Yes, Israel’s occupation of Palestinian lands has to end!

Israel’s occupation of Palestinian lands has to end – but massacres of civilians won’t bring this end any closer. Those who care about Palestine should denounce terror, cruelty and violence against civilians, and put more pressure on their governments to support an end to the Israeli occupation in return for more viable solutions for Israel’s legitimate security needs. Those who are concerned about Israel should do the same, writes Eyal Mayroz, a former counterterrorism expert with the Israeli Defence Forces from 1984-1988.

By Eyal Mayroz

View More Yes, Israel’s occupation of Palestinian lands has to end!

Calling the war in Ukraine a ‘tragedy’ shelters its perpetrators from blame and responsibility

In contemporary politics, the invocation of tragedy has the unfortunate effect of masking the responsibility of perpetrators who cause injustices and human suffering through malicious intent and deliberate wrongdoing, writes Mariana Budjeryn

By Mariana Budjeryn

View More Calling the war in Ukraine a ‘tragedy’ shelters its perpetrators from blame and responsibility

Brics expansion: six more nations are set to join – what they’re buying into

Brics is a nebulous entity. This has proved beneficial for member countries hosting Brics summits. They get to set the agenda and use it for their ends – without upsetting the consensus. One common pattern has been the use of summits to set overarching themes that are favourable to the host country’s domestic policy and regional leadership or foreign policy stance.

By Bhaso Ndzendze

View More Brics expansion: six more nations are set to join – what they’re buying into

Africa is being courted by China, Russia and the US. Why the continent shouldn’t pick sides

Some three decades since the end of the Cold War, the world order is undergoing a structural transformation. At the heart of it is the challenge posed to the hegemony of the US. This is primarily being led by Russia and China which are discontented with Washington’s excesses across the global stage. The African continent is an obvious contender for major power courting as this realignment takes place, writes Bhaso Ndzendze.

By Bhaso Ndzendze

View More Africa is being courted by China, Russia and the US. Why the continent shouldn’t pick sides


The Tangkhuls are one of the Naga ethnic groups which belong to the great Mongolian race. Ukhrul and Kamjong districts in Manipur are the home of the Tangkhuls. They are also found in other states of North-East India and in the Somra tract of the western part of Myanmar. Linguistically, they belong to a large language family called Sino-Tibetan, within which to the sub-family of Tibeto-Burman.

By Rinmaya Kumrah

View More Tangkhul

On the Manipur Crisis: India is already a failed state

Overall, based on how the Manipur situation has been handled, India is already a failed state, and it will remain such if the current government continues to tread on a dangerously thin line. If hope is to be found, it may not be wrong to say that there is still time to retool response approaches, or else the conflict may be extended beyond the current involving groups as the Manipur crisis enters a new phase.

By Augustine R.

View More On the Manipur Crisis: India is already a failed state

Photos and Videos: Naga Peoples’ Rally in Southern Naga Homeland

The Naga people held the Naga Peoples’ Rally for Resolving Indo-Naga Political Issue based on Framework Agreement in Southern Naga Homeland (now under the state of Manipur) on August 9, 2023, in all Naga district headquarters of Tahamzam (Senapati), Ukhrul, Chandel, and Tamenglong under the auspices of the United Naga Council (UNC).

By Compiled by ICNA

View More Photos and Videos: Naga Peoples’ Rally in Southern Naga Homeland