G7 Build Back Better World Initiative’s strategy should not be to counter China’s Belt and Road Initiative

The new US-led G7 global infrastructure initiative “Build Back Better World” (B3W) has prominently alluded as a counterproposal to China’s Belt and Road Initiative (BRI); however, current indications suggest that the G7’s agreed-upon B3W initiative may turn out to be a dud.

By Augustine R.

View More G7 Build Back Better World Initiative’s strategy should not be to counter China’s Belt and Road Initiative

Europe: 4 PhD positions in Autonomous Inland Shipping

Applications are invited for 4 PhD positions (“Early Stage Researchers”) to be funded by the Marie-Skłodowska-Curie Innovative Training Network “AUTOBarge – European training and research network on Autonomous Barges for Smart Inland Shipping” within the Horizon 2020 Programme of the European Commission.

By Compiled by ICNA

View More Europe: 4 PhD positions in Autonomous Inland Shipping

Why Biden’s threat to slap Russia with more sanctions is unlikely to deter Putin in Ukraine

The Biden administration is threatening harsh, “high impact” sanctions against Russia if it invades Ukraine. Policymakers claim that sanctions are an effective means of achieving policy goals. But is that true? Are new measures against Moscow likely to be successful?

By David Cortright

View More Why Biden’s threat to slap Russia with more sanctions is unlikely to deter Putin in Ukraine

India’s AFSPA: India’s Security Forces kill at least 13 Naga Civilians in Nagaland, is it a necessity or misuse of power?

The incident strongly suggested that military and intelligence assessments were flawed, and in the worst-case scenario, the security forces’ actions will be labeled as a “case of mistaken identity,” and total immunity from any legal action under AFSPA will be sought.

By Augustine R.

View More India’s AFSPA: India’s Security Forces kill at least 13 Naga Civilians in Nagaland, is it a necessity or misuse of power?

“Operation Bluebird”: A case Study of Torture and Extrajudicial Executions in Southern Naga Region at Oinam by India

This report is a study of human rights violations in the Southern Naga Territory (under Manipur’s state administration in Oinam Village) by India. It describes a pattern of arbitrary arrests, detentions and torture of hundreds of villagers in and around Oinam by the Assam Rifles during “Operation Bluebird” conducted after armed Naga revolutionary belonging to the National Socialist Council of Nagaland (NSCN) attacked an Assam Rifles’ outpost in July 1987

By Amnesty International

View More “Operation Bluebird”: A case Study of Torture and Extrajudicial Executions in Southern Naga Region at Oinam by India

Small-group learning can mitigate the effects of school closures – but only if teachers use it well

For peer learning to be effective, each child should have a specific task or role. In short, increased use of peer learning can help schools deal with the negative academic, social-emotional and behavioral repercussions of the COVID-19 pandemic, helping children build a future defined by social acceptance, academic achievement and enduring success, writes Mark J. Van Ryzin

By Mark J. Van Ryzin

View More Small-group learning can mitigate the effects of school closures – but only if teachers use it well