The power of Indigenous diplomacy as a strategic asset for Australia

International relations sometimes seems like a game that’s all about controlling and asserting simplistic national-power narratives without acknowledging the complexity of each nation’s stories.

By Anastasia Kapetas & Huon Curtis

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India’s deployment of U.S. weapons: Does it portend a larger geopolitical conflict?

The newly constructed Indo-Pacific strategy, will further define the Asia-Pacific region, with a focus on territorial disputes. The India-China conflict is a classic example of how the world’s most disparate cultures have met through power plays since the Cold War era.

By Augustine R.

View More India’s deployment of U.S. weapons: Does it portend a larger geopolitical conflict?

Guantanamo Bay: Twenty Years of Counterterrorism and Controversy

The U.S. military detention center at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, has generated intense debate for two decades, with enduring questions about national security, human rights, and justice.

By Jonathan Masters

View More Guantanamo Bay: Twenty Years of Counterterrorism and Controversy

Takeaway From the Biden-Xi Meeting: Jaw Jawing as Success

With relations between the United States and China near a historic low, the two leaders spoke for three and a half hours on a range of sensitive issues, including trade, human rights, and Taiwan. Little of substance was expected, but Biden said the two sides had to establish “guardrails” to prevent a clash, while Xi said he was glad to see his “old friend.”

By Ian Johnson

View More Takeaway From the Biden-Xi Meeting: Jaw Jawing as Success