How one atheist laid the foundation of contemporary Hindu nationalism

India’s position as a secular nation is under threat. Under Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s pro-Hindu nationalist Bharatiya Janata Party, the country’s minority population has been increasingly targeted. It is the world’s biggest democracy, but according to several experts, that democracy is under threat.

By Saba Sattar

View More How one atheist laid the foundation of contemporary Hindu nationalism

Basic Sovereignty

“Sovereignty” is one such term that, either directly or indirectly, has defined so much of modern Naga history, psyche, economy, governance, and almost every aspect of their lives. This is one area where even the most uninterested or uninitiated can claim complete immunity from its effects, writes Moa Aier

By Moa Aier

View More Basic Sovereignty

China’s Belt and Road Initiative and the Indo-Naga Conundrum

Political reconciliation with the Nagas is one of several obstacles in New Delhi’s quest for greater regional connectivity.

By Augustine R.

View More China’s Belt and Road Initiative and the Indo-Naga Conundrum

Cities worldwide aren’t adapting to climate change quickly enough

Climate change is magnifying threats such as flooding, wildfires, tropical storms and drought. In 2020 the U.S. experienced a record-breaking 22 weather and climate disasters that each caused at least US$1 billion in damage. So far in 2021, the count stands at 18. Around the globe, cities will face a much higher probability of extreme weather events.

By John Rennie Short

View More Cities worldwide aren’t adapting to climate change quickly enough

Why the Australia-France submarine deal collapse was predictable

Australia’s unilateral cancellation of its contract to purchase French submarines and sign up for the AUKUS security pact constitutes a slap in the face for French diplomacy – variously described as a “stab in the back” and a “betrayal” by French diplomats.

By Romain Fathi

View More Why the Australia-France submarine deal collapse was predictable
AUKUS Press Conference

More Than Submarines: Implications of AUKUS in the Air Domain

Although the trilateral submarine agreement understandably attracted the majority of interest, several of the tactical, bilateral aspects of the partnership between the United States and Australia could have important implications, particularly in the air domain.

By Douglas D. Jackson

View More More Than Submarines: Implications of AUKUS in the Air Domain