Naga Homeland: A vital transnational land-linked to and between South, South-East, and East Asia

The resolution of the conflict between India, the Nagas, and Myanmar will, without a doubt, be a driving force behind positive engagement in shifting the region, particularly the Naga homeland scenario, from a security concern to a vital transnational land-linked and push for better economic development activities in the region; however, with many ongoing conflicts in the region, the lingering question is whether the proposed transnational connectivity projects will be successful, or will it remain a forever dream and just a hope.

By Augustine R.

View More Naga Homeland: A vital transnational land-linked to and between South, South-East, and East Asia

China’s Belt and Road Initiative and the Indo-Naga Conundrum

Political reconciliation with the Nagas is one of several obstacles in New Delhi’s quest for greater regional connectivity.

By Augustine R.

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