Naga Homeland: A vital transnational land-linked to and between South, South-East, and East Asia

The resolution of the conflict between India, the Nagas, and Myanmar will, without a doubt, be a driving force behind positive engagement in shifting the region, particularly the Naga homeland scenario, from a security concern to a vital transnational land-linked and push for better economic development activities in the region; however, with many ongoing conflicts in the region, the lingering question is whether the proposed transnational connectivity projects will be successful, or will it remain a forever dream and just a hope.

By Augustine R.

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“Behind-the-Table” Conflicts in the Indo-Naga Negotiation

Without a doubt, India and the Naga people have very different readings of conflict/history to legitimize their claims. As for pro-independence Nagas, the current conflict is a case of invasion (which had turned into a case of political conflict due to invasion/occupation). On the other hand, the Indian government maintains that as the legal heir of the British, it should have political authority over the Naga region as well. Augustine R. examines and highlights the best approach/process for resolving the historical Indo-Naga conflict “once and for all.” Continue reading…

By Augustine R.

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Inconsistency has marred Modi’s relations with the Nagas in the quest for an Indo-Naga peace settlement

Inconsistency has also defined the Indo-Naga peace talks since the early 1950s. Rather than simply reaffirming the strength of the Indo-Naga Peace Talks, a renewed engagement of trust and commitment from all negotiating parties is required.

By Augustine R.

View More Inconsistency has marred Modi’s relations with the Nagas in the quest for an Indo-Naga peace settlement

The Shared Sovereignty Solution: An Alternative Approach to the Indo-Naga Political Issue?

The shared sovereignty solution, which has become a point of contention between the Nagas, and India, appears to be a viable option. As a result, the purpose of this paper will be to present the reasons for the recent emergence of the shared sovereignty solution as an alternative to the Indo-Naga political issue. The article will also assess the situation following the signing of the Framework Agreement in 2015.

By Augustine R.

View More The Shared Sovereignty Solution: An Alternative Approach to the Indo-Naga Political Issue?

India’s Act East Policy: A Warning to China or Modi’s Flawed Strategy?

Modi’s Act East Policy has boosted naval capacity and morale, but fallen short on overland connectivity and trade promotion.

By Augustine R.

View More India’s Act East Policy: A Warning to China or Modi’s Flawed Strategy?

The Dangers of Delay in Indo-Naga Political Talks

The prospect of resolving the Indo-Naga political conflict is more remote today than it was a decade ago. On both sides, a culture of distrust has grown. The most pressing question is not what type of solution will be found, but whether the situation can be resolved before another major confrontation breaks out.

By Augustine R.

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