India’s economy has outpaced Pakistan’s handily since Partition in 1947 – politics explains why

India and Pakistan inherited the same economic legacy of underinvestment and neglect from Britain when they became independent states following the Partition on Aug. 15, 1947. Their colonial economies were among the poorest in the world. As a scholar of international political economy, I believe India’s stronger embrace of democracy – at the same time that Pakistan experienced frequent military dictatorships and changes in government – has a lot to do with it, writes Surupa Gupta.

By Surupa Gupta

View More India’s economy has outpaced Pakistan’s handily since Partition in 1947 – politics explains why

Want to know why India has been soft on Russia? Take a look.

As global democracies lined up to condemn the actions of Russia in Ukraine, one country was less forthcoming in its criticism – and it was the largest democracy of them all: India. Throughout the ongoing crisis, the government in India has carefully avoided taking an unequivocal position. It has abstained on every United Nations resolution dealing with the matter and refused to join the international community in economic measures against Moscow, prompting a warning from the U.S. over potentially circumventing sanctions. Here’s Why!

By Sumit Ganguly

View More Want to know why India has been soft on Russia? Take a look.

What is going on in Pakistan? And why has the US been dragged into it?

Pakistan, a nuclear nation that is home to some 220 million people, is in a political mess. On April 3, 2022, Prime Minister – and former national sporting hero – Imran Khan dissolved Parliament to get ahead of a no-confidence vote. That vote would have seen parliamentarians decide whether or not to support Khan’s premiership and would have likely seen him ousted from power.

By Ayesha Jalal

View More What is going on in Pakistan? And why has the US been dragged into it?