Not everyone is thrilled with Pelosi’s visit to Taiwan

Global markets fell as investors worried that US House Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s visit to Taiwan would exacerbate tensions with China, and the most recent military drill locations revealed how China can literally attack Taiwan from four directions — east, west, north, and south.

By Augustine R.

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Why Nancy Pelosi’s visit to Taiwan puts the White House in delicate straits of diplomacy with China

A high-profile visit – even one without the public backing of the White House – would signal support to the island at a time when the invasion of Ukraine by Russia has raised questions over the international community’s commitment to protect smaller states from more powerful neighbors.

By Meredith Oyen

View More Why Nancy Pelosi’s visit to Taiwan puts the White House in delicate straits of diplomacy with China

How companies should respond to U.S.-China tensions and global supply chain disruptions

Ongoing tensions between the United States and China have affected many companies around the world, and in this challenging and uncertain time, many companies are trying to reorganize their supply chains and reduce dependencies that are vulnerable to political tensions and rising costs. Find out the factors that are most important when making decisions on how to respond to the U.S.-China trade war.

By Felix Arndt, Abby Jingzi Zhou, Christiaan Röell, Steven Shijin Zhou, Xiaomeng Liu

View More How companies should respond to U.S.-China tensions and global supply chain disruptions

Rethinking the US-China fight: Does China really threaten American power abroad?

In the U.S. and Europe, China is widely recognized as a rising star that threatens Western power. But research on the country suggests China may no longer see itself that way, writes Andrew Latham.

By Andrew Latham

View More Rethinking the US-China fight: Does China really threaten American power abroad?