The Naga Peace Process: Why a Delayed Settlement

The opinion provides key factors and observations into the dynamics of the Naga peace process in a brief manner. It looks at the progress of the negotiations, the roles of the key players, the issues that arose along the way, and the way forward.

By Augustine R.

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India’s AFSPA: India’s Security Forces kill at least 13 Naga Civilians in Nagaland, is it a necessity or misuse of power?

The incident strongly suggested that military and intelligence assessments were flawed, and in the worst-case scenario, the security forces’ actions will be labeled as a “case of mistaken identity,” and total immunity from any legal action under AFSPA will be sought.

By Augustine R.

View More India’s AFSPA: India’s Security Forces kill at least 13 Naga Civilians in Nagaland, is it a necessity or misuse of power?

Basic Sovereignty

“Sovereignty” is one such term that, either directly or indirectly, has defined so much of modern Naga history, psyche, economy, governance, and almost every aspect of their lives. This is one area where even the most uninterested or uninitiated can claim complete immunity from its effects, writes Moa Aier

By Moa Aier

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China’s Belt and Road Initiative and the Indo-Naga Conundrum

Political reconciliation with the Nagas is one of several obstacles in New Delhi’s quest for greater regional connectivity.

By Augustine R.

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India’s Act East Policy: A Warning to China or Modi’s Flawed Strategy?

Modi’s Act East Policy has boosted naval capacity and morale, but fallen short on overland connectivity and trade promotion.

By Augustine R.

View More India’s Act East Policy: A Warning to China or Modi’s Flawed Strategy?

The Dangers of Delay in Indo-Naga Political Talks

The prospect of resolving the Indo-Naga political conflict is more remote today than it was a decade ago. On both sides, a culture of distrust has grown. The most pressing question is not what type of solution will be found, but whether the situation can be resolved before another major confrontation breaks out.

By Augustine R.

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