Headcovers have always been political in Iran – for women on all sides

Acts of defiance, big and small, have continued uninterrupted across multiple generations. Women’s activism has been constant, as has their imprisonment. In the past, major demonstrations were crushed, but regardless of how the current protests turn out, they underscore that the headcover issue is not going away – and has the potential to amplify anti-regime sentiments in Iran and abroad.

By Eliz Sanasarian

View More Headcovers have always been political in Iran – for women on all sides

Why church conflict in Ukraine reflects historic Russian-Ukrainian tensions

Today, the two major rival expressions of Orthodoxy in Ukraine reflect two different historical visions of the relationship between Russians and Ukrainians. The future of the Orthodox Church of Ukraine is unclear. It enjoys the support of several of its sister churches. At the same time, it faces fierce opposition from Moscow. For now, it remains a source of controversy between Russia and Ukraine.

By J. Eugene Clay

View More Why church conflict in Ukraine reflects historic Russian-Ukrainian tensions